QUICK TIPS: Simple Ways To Go Green ?

There are things we can all do daily that impact our planet in a positive way. So, I wanted to share a few with you so we can all do our part to help improve our environment.

  • Buy Local Food & Produce – Buy local produce whenever possible, not only will it be healthier but you will reduce the number of carbon emissions needed to transport your produce from the farm to your plate.
  • Turn Off Lights & Electronics Devices – Use energy-efficient bulbs, turn off lights when not in the room and turn off devices and unplug appliances when not in use.
  • Decrease Water Use – Turn off the water when brushing your teeth, take shorter showers, fix running toilets, dripping faucets or leaky pipes, install low flow faucets, shower heads & toilets and wash clothes in cold water and hang outside on the clothesline.
  • Drive Less or Take Public Transit – Decreasing driving by 2 days a week with help greenhouse gas emissions, combine your errands in one-day driving trips, walk, ride a bike or carpool, use a hybrid or electric car.
  • Junk Mail – Reduce the amount of junk mail you receive by getting bills and mail sent to you electronically.
  • Tree Planting & Garden – A single tree absorbs 13 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, prevents soil erosion and water pollution, recharges groundwater, and decreases noise pollution.

Feel free to leave simple things you do daily to help our planet in the comments.? 


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