Author page: Antoy Grant

Simple Ways To Go Green

Simple Ways To Go Green

QUICK TIPS: Simple Ways To Go Green ? There are things we can all do daily that impact our planet in a positive way. So, I wanted to share a few with you so we can all do our part to help improve our environment. Buy Local Food & Produce – Buy local produce whenever possible, not only will it…

Sorry, I’ve Been So Busy

Sorry, I’ve Been So Busy

Sorry, I’ve Been So Busy?  Why are people so busy, overscheduling, and overworking themselves these days? Does your to-do lists have to-do lists? Do you spend each day doing lots of stuff that when you really think about it, doesnโ€™t even matter in the long run? Are you busting your butt to keep up with every new trend or what…

Become A Mentor

Become A Mentor

Become A Mentor ?  Now more than ever the world needs great mentors. What is a mentor?  A person with knowledge, experience or expertise in a certain area, who commits to building a mentorship relationship, and to offer guidance to an older, younger, less experienced or knowledgeable person. ? Would you make a great mentor? See some qualities needed listed…

Jamaican Me Sexy!

Jamaican Me Sexy!

QUICK TIPS: Jamaican Me Sexy! When it comes to fitness and working out, itโ€™s always been and up and down journey for me. Either Iโ€™m 1000% in and working out every day hard core or Iโ€™m being a total slacker. Luckily, most of my life I have managed to maintain a pretty healthy and do I dare say sexy body.…

Care For Natural Hair

Care For Natural Hair

Anyone who knows me knows I love wigs and weaves, I have a lot of different styles and names for each one. As an actress it has also been a way for me to easily become a different character.  As wig and weave wearers know sometimes it can be a struggle to take care of the natural hair underneath a…

Yoga & Me

Yoga & Me

I practiced yoga faithfully for a several years and found it was great for me physical and mentally. Even though I donโ€™t get to do it the way I used to now, I still like add certain aspects of yoga such as the poses, stretches, breathing, meditation and positive affirmations to my fitness routine. If you are considering trying yoga…

Don’t Sleep On Me

Don’t Sleep On Me

I love to sleep, especially mid-day naps, they are the best! I can sleep just about anywhere, but my favorite place to sleep is in my own bed! We all spend hours a day in bed, so I was amazed when I did an episode of The Antoy Show on mattresses and found out what we are actually sleeping on.…

Closet Makeover

Closet Makeover

Love this picture of a dream closet, itโ€™s so inspiring! My friends and family like to make fun of me because when they look in my closets, cupboards and drawers, they see things aligned, color coordinated, labels facing forward and containers, extra shelves or dividers separating different items from each other. ? Am I wrong because I like to open…

Own Your Crown

Own Your Crown

QUICK TIPS: Own Your Crown ? Whatever you choose to wear your own natural hair or a wig, proudly own it because either you grew it or you bought it, so technically its yours! The history of wigs dates back to Ancient Egypt. In the hot desert they would shave their heads and wear wigs made out of human hair,…